Monday, June 8, 2015

Margaret Willis Bottome

Margaret Bottome From Bay State Monthly Magazine 1907

'There are seasons when to be still demands immeasurably higher strength than to act.'   

Margaret McDonald wife of Methodist minister, Frank Bottome was born Dec. 29, 1827, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died Nov. 14, 1906, New York City, daughter of William and Mary (Willis) McDonald. Her father held a municipal position in Brooklyn, N. Y., and there she passed her early years, being educated at Prof. Greenleaf's School, Brooklyn Heights. She accompanied her father in his weekly visits to the almshouse and prison, and influenced by these impressions she developed strong religious and charitable sentiments.

She began to visit systematically the sick and poor of the Brooklyn districts and after her marriage to the Rev. Frank Bottome in 1850 she engaged with still greater devotion in her benevolent work. In 1876 she commenced giving Bible talks in New York homes to society women, and this work was continued for over twenty-five years.

On Jan. 13, 1886, with nine other earnest women she organized the first "ten" of the order of the King's Daughters, the name being suggested by Mrs. William Irving, a well-known New York educator. Mrs. Bottome was elected president of the order and still remains at its head. The idea of the organization in tens was taken from Edward Everett Hale's story, "Ten Times One is Ten," as was the motto: "Look up and not down; look out and not in; look forward and not back, and lend a hand." The badge is a small silver Maltese cross with the initials of the watchword "In His Name." In 1887, after urgent request, membership was opened to men and boys, and the incorporated name now is the International Order of the King's Daughters and Sons. The original circle stands in the relation of an advisory board to all other circles and is called the central council, but each circle is free to conduct its own affairs provided it keep in view the development of Christian life and activities. The order is nondenominational. Its growth has been marvelous, the membership now (1005) numbering over 500.000. In 1896 Mrs. Bottome was elected president of the women's branch of the International Medical Mission. She is associate editor of the " Ladies' Home Journal," having regularly contributed since 1889 a department article called " Heart to Heart Talks with the King's Daughters," and she also writes for various other periodicals, mainly religious publications. She is the author of Crumbs from the King's Table," "A Sunshine Trip to the Orient," "Death and Life," " Seven Questions After Easter" and "The Guest Chamber." a collection of articles originally published in " The Silver Cross" magazine, the official organ of the King's Daughters. From The National Cyclopedia of American Biography

American columnist and religious organizer, founder of the Christian spiritual development and service organization now known as the International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons. She attended school in Brooklyn and in 1850 married the Reverend Frank Bottome. Her long-standing practice of giving informal talks on the Bible culminated in January 1886 when she and nine other women organized themselves into a permanent study group for self-improvement and Christian service to others, taking the name King’s Daughters. Each of the 10 women organized a group of 10, as did those, and so on. (The idea for this pattern stemmed from Edward Everett Hale’s novel Ten Times One Is Ten.) In 1887 men were admitted to the organization, which accordingly became the Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons, and within 20 years membership had grown to an estimated half million in the United States and Canada; by that time the word international had been added to the name. Bottome was annually elected president of the order. From 1888 she contributed regularly to the order’s magazine, Silver Cross, and from 1889 to 1905 she wrote a column in the Ladies’ Home Journal for members. In 1896 she was chosen president of the Medical Missionary Society. Among her published works were Our Lord’s Seven Questions After Easter (1889), Crumbs from the King’s Table (1894), A Sunshine Trip: Glimpses of the Orient (1897), and Death and Life (1897).


Website N.S.U.D of 1812 Founding and Organization of the Daughters of the American Revolution and Daughters of the Revolution by Flora Adams Darling 

More on Family
From A History of Long Island Willis McDonald who is engaged in the book and job printing business controlling an extensive trade is a representative of a family of Scotch origin His paternal grandfather a native of Scotland was the founder of the family in the new world He located in New York city and Captain William McDonald the father was born at the family home on Pearl and Beekman streets in New York For many years he was engaged in the cooperage business on Furman street Brooklyn He held the office of United States gauger and weigher for several years and was an alderman in the city of Brooklyn First ward His political support was given the Whig party He was a very prominent member of the old Sands Street Methodist Episcopal church in which he served as a trustee and class leader for many years He also held membership in the Masonic fraternity and was the captain of the old Sprague Company that belonged to the City Guard the first military organization of Brooklyn That command was called out for service in the Mexican war but peace was declared before the troops reached the field Captain McDonald was united in marriage to Miss Mary Willis He died in 1852 and his wife long surviving him passed away in May 1880 at the age of seventy five years In their family were eight children Edgar is cashier of the Nassau National Bank of Brooklyn and has been connected with the bank since 1863 Fletcher lives in the west Mrs Margaret Bottome resides in New York city Mrs Thomas H Pearne in Cincinnati Ohio Mrs RM Moore in Elizabeth New Jersey and Mrs William J Tate in Brooklyn Willis McDonald born in Brooklyn.

Willis McDonald was born in Brooklyn and acquired his education in the public schools, and at the early age of twelve years began earning 'his own livelihood, securing a position in the New York and Liverpool shipping house of John Trippett & Brother, with which he was connected until 1857, when he went to N orwalk, Connecticut, and learned the car— penter’s trade. He followed that pursuit until after the inauguration of the_Civil _war, when, in'August, 1862, prompted by an uncontrollable spirit of patriotism, he enlisted in Company F, of the Seventeenth Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers. He joined the service as a private, but after two months was promoted to the rank of corporal; later became sergeant, and served until the close of the war. He was in the Army of the Potomac for- a year and a half, under Burnside, Hooker and Meade, participating in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. His regiment was afterward transferred to the Department of the South, occupying Morris Island, Folly Island, Jacksonville and St. Augustine, being thus engaged until the close of the war, when he was mustered out, on the 315t of July, 1865. He was slightly wounded at Chancellorsville, but otherwise escaped uninjured, and was ever found at his post of duty as a brave and loyal soldier, faithfully defending the cause represented by the old flag.
After his return from the war Mr. McDonald, in September, 1865, accepted the position of bookkeeper in a manufacturing house in New York city. "In 1871, however, he engaged in the printing business, his present establishment being located at Nos. 39-41 Gold street, New York, where he carries on an extensive book and job printing trade. in his establishment is of an excellent character, and this has insured him a liberal and continuous patronage. He is a man of well-known reliability in industrial and commercial circles, and the most envious could not grudge him his success so honorably has it been won and wortholy has it been used.
Mr. McDonald is one of the active members of U. S. Grant Post, became one of its organizers, and‘ served as its commander in 1891. He has put forth. every effort possible to advance its interests, and its growth is attributable in no small degree to his, efforts. He was one of the thirteen members 'of Post No. 327, which formed a guard of honor at Mount McGregor immediately after the death of General Grant, and he continued to perform that duty for the two weeks in which the remains lay instate at Mount 'McGregor, at Albany and'New York. He is a member of the Seventh Regiment Veterans’ Association, and belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen. In 1879 he became one of the stewards of the. Hanson Place Methodist Episcopal‘ church, and long filled that office._ He was recording steward for several years and is one of the trustees, and has been a class—leader and a teacher of av Bible class in the Sunday-school for twenty-four years. He takes a deep and abiding interest. in the; work of the church, and is a broad—minded man, who believes in supporting. all interests that tend to, uplift humanity. Of pleasant address and kindly manner, reliable in business and trustworthy in all‘ life’s relations, he- is a popular resident of Brooklyn: and is highly regarded in the business circles of New York.

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