Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Chase Family of King's County Nova Scotia

This is from a newspaper article in Canada September 13 1933 and from this information I found bits of information on the Chase family who came to Nova Scotia from New England. They are the descendants of the Chase family who settled Massachusetts.
They lived in the King's County area were they operated mills, tanneries, orchids, farms, and engaged in many other enterprises and trades. They were also Quakers. Please post or e-mail me if you have any information or pictures. Thank You!

From Halifax Citizen, Thursday, April 26, 1866 LIFE SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS. -- W. Chase, No. 159 Hollis Street, opposite Club House, Halifax, has now in use at his Gallery the latest and most approved Solar Camera in the city of Halifax for enlarging all styles of small pictures. Those having Daguerrotypes, Ambrotypes, and Photographs of their deceased friends and relatives can have them enlarged up to life size, and furnished at a lower price than at any other gallery. Mr. C.'s experience in Photography enables
him to give the public a more artistic style of work than can be obtained elsewhere in the city.
Lovell's 1871 Provincial Directory - Halifax City
Chase W.F., of Richards & Chase, 116 Hollis
Chase, Wellington, photographer, 159 Hollis, bds at Acadian Hotel
Chase H.N., painter, 23 Spring Garden Road
W A Chase Photo Young Lady Wellington in Nova Socotia

SS Atlantic shipwreck scene, sightseers 1, Lower Prospect, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1873 W. Chase NSARM #31 / negative no.: N-0721

Universal Male Suffrage: Nova Scotia, 1854
If they were over 21 and had lived in the colony at least five years, these Yarmouth merchants (photographed by Wellington Chase in the spring of 1855) were eligible to vote under the 1854 electoral law. Property ownership entitled recent immigrants to vote as well. "Universal" male suffrage did not include "Indians," however, and it lasted only until 1863, when property ownership again became a requirement.

Inauguration of the Welsford-Parker Monument, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 17 July 1860. Chase, the clever photographer succeeded in taking an excellent photographic view of the whole scene, a copy of which we have no doubt many people will hasten to secure, as a memento of the day and the event."

From Margaret Conrad Apple Blossom Time in the Annapolis Valley 1880-1957

Thanks to Library and Archives Canada 
The history of Kings County, Nova Scotia, heart of the Acadian land (1910)


George said...

I'm a Chase descended from the Chase's in the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia. You are correct that they were Quakers that emigrated from the States in the mid 1700's. I don't know about the link to Samuel Chase, though. In my research I can find no link to him in my family. There were three main Chase men that came from England to Massachusetts in the early to mid 1600's. They were William, Aquila, and Thomas Chase. Despite many claims to the contrary, I don't think that there has been any link between the three that is definitive. The Chase family that I am descended from is William's and it was his descendants that settled in the Annapolis Valley and my grandfather came to Alberta, Canada from the Annapolis Valley in the early 1900's to homestead. Both William and George Chase of the Annapolis Valley apple industry are related but I am unaware of any relationship to the photographer Chase.

Anonymous said...

Thought I'd throw some information out into the ether. It appears that Stephen Chase is descendant from William Chase, mentioned above in Penny's informative post. It's true that there is debate on if William, Thomas, and Aquila(Jr) were closely related or even the sons of Aquila, of Hundridge Manor.

Apparently Aquila(Jr) and William descendants didn't have a close genetic match. The link to their possible father is by his sons names alone, although Aquila being such a rare name, it's probable that Aquila Jr. is the son of Aquila. Aquila did grant Thomas some land, so that relationship is possible.

The reason why this link to the English Chase family is quickly made is that they go back historically for centuries, and it appears they were closely related to some of the powerful at the time. You make enough questionable connections and they would be descendant from Norse, Frank, Norman, and English Kings. Even a Roman emperor.

Now, there's another family in Nova Scotia descendant from the Chases, but descendant from Aquila(Jr.), not William. This is the Thomas Linnell/Chase family. He came to Nova Scotia at least before 1822, when he married Elizabeth Legge in Martin's River. Thomas also bought land in New Ross in 1841.

Source: Geni Profiles and information posted by Linda Chase, although I'm not sure if she was ever aware of who Thomas Chase parents were.

Here's Stephen's profile:
And Thomas Linnell/Chase:

If you're still reading, Owen Chase was a William Chase descendant, was first mate on the whaling ship the Essex and later wrote the Narrative of the Most Extraordinary and Distressing Shipwreck of the Whale-Ship Essex, which inspired Moby Dick. Something to check out if you want to be further terrified of the ocean. The recent film In the Heart of the Sea is based on it.

Melissa Davenport Berry said...

Thanks and very interesting I just left a comment on Facebook in a group with Chase ancestors I asked them to weigh in! Will keep u posted

WMC said...
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Anonymous said...

Records and DNA analysis confirm these Chase's are a not related to the Chase family that settled near the Merrimack River in the early 17th century.

Anonymous said...

Records and DNA analysis confirm these Chase's are a not related to the Chase family that settled near the Merrimack River in the early 17th century.

WMC said...
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