Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Francis Henry Phelps and Margaret Van Sickle

From Archives

Searching for more information on the family Francis Henry Phelps, brother of my grandmother Mildred Mabel Kingsbury Phelps Berry. Francis was born March 19, 1897.

Miss Francis Henry Phelps daughter of William Van Sickle Michigan manager of the Home Life. was married on the 13th to Francis Henry Phelps of Boston. The ceremony was given a touch of romance by being performed in the historic “little church around the corner" in New York and was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Van Sickle. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Robertson of New York, uncle and aunt of the bride, and by the groom's father. Frederick Winsor Phelps. The marriage is the culmination of a romance begun in 1917-18 when the bride and groom were in school. the former at Wellesley and the latter at Harvard. On their return to Detroit they will live at the Regent Court apartments. From The Indicator, Volume 45 Detroit Happenings

William Van Sickle Phelps, Jan. 30, 1926
Francis Henry, Jr. Phelps, Nov. 3, 1928


Frederick Winsor Phelps, SR (son of Francis Henry Phelps and Esther Antoinette Hall Phelps) and Melissa Cross Davenport (daughter of Eward Little Davenport and Sophronia Angelina Cross Davenport of Newburyport/Ipswich MA picture below)
Melissa C. Davenport of and Frederick W. Phelps of Wilmington, Mar. 28, 1896 MA Vital records
Annual Reports of the Town of Dublin, New Hampshire 1925  More info on my helps blog Children of Frederick Winsor Phelps and Melissa Cross Davenport Phelps

May 1 Frederick W. Phelps Peterborough Teamster Wilmington, Mass. Fred W. Phelps Sharon, Mass. T. C. Brockway Melissa Davenport Ipswich, Mass.

2nd wife Dublin Marion R.Richardson Dublin Dublin Luke H. Richardson Jennie M. Rose Dublin Marlboro  


William Van Sickle: Well earned honors have come to William Van Sickle in business and fraternal circles. He is one of the leading representatives of the insurance business in the middle west and is also an eminent representative of Masonry in Michigan. The story of his life is the record of earnest endeavor and laudable ambition, intelligently directed. With no false sense of values he has placed his dependence upon the sure qualities of industry, adaptability and close application—qualities which any can cultivate and which lead to certainty of results.
Mr. Van Sickle was born in Onondaga, Ontario, June 1, 1873, his parents being Harvey H. and Hannah (Wood) Van Sickle. After attending the public schools he continued his education in the Detroit Business University and secured a position in the Detroit office of the Home Insurance Company on the 11th of March, 1887, being first employed as office boy at a weekly wage of a dollar and a half. He applied himself earnestly to the faithful performance of the duties that devolved upon him and it was not long before merited recognition of his fidelity came in a promotion. Since then he has been advanced from one position to a higher one until he was made general manager for the company in Michigan on the 16th of August, 1898. He has since filled that office, to which he was called from the position of cashier. In the first full year of his managership (1899) insurance to the amount of six hundred and eighteen thousand dollars was issued from his office. Twenty years later, or in 1918, the total amount of business paid for was one million, six hundred and sixty thousand, three hundred and twenty-five dollars, and in 1919 the Detroit agency exceeded the sum of two million dollars in its business. Mr. Van Sickle has long been an outstanding figure in insurance circles in the middle west and he has the distinction of being the first member from the agency force of the Home Life to be chosen in January, 1919, as one of the directors of the company. He is also a past president of the Detroit Underwriters, was twice elected to the vice presidency of the National Association of Life Underwriters and is one of the most popular representatives of life insurance in the middle west.
On the 17th of February, 1897, at Detroit, Mr. Van Sickle was married to Miss Margaret Robertson and they became the parents of a daughter, Margaret, who is now the wife of Francis H. Phelps of Detroit. Among the city's leading club men Mr. Van Sickle is a well known figure, having membership in the Detroit, Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf, and Wolverine Automobile Clubs. Outside of insurance circles he is perhaps best known through his Masonic connections, for he is a Knights Templar and Consistory Mason, a member of the Mystic Shrine, and upon him has been conferred the honorary thirty-third degree. For six years he served as commander in chief of the Michigan Sovereign Consistory. His political support is given to the republican party and his religious faith is that of the Baptist church. He is at all times loyal to his honest convictions, a man whose position upon any vital question is never an equivocal one. From The city of Detroit, Michigan, 1701-1922  By Clarence Monroe Burton, William Stocking, Gordon K. Miller

Women's Voices: Bentley Historical Library University of Michigan 

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