Monday, August 18, 2014

Henry Travis early settler of Newbury MA and His Descendants

Photo from Nathan Hager Daniels 
Henry Travers came from London in the ship "Mary and John," (Ladd Family Genealogy has passenger list) of London, Robert Sayers Master, "early in 1634," and from the old Book of Orders, belonging to the Port of Southampton, the following was copied. This book was in the Custom House in Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 6, 1745, and the copy is upon the records of Newbury.

Photo from Emery FamilyResearch Association

Passengers came to Agawam [Ipswich], and staid there one year. In 1635 some settled in Quascacunquen, now Newbury. In the records of the First Parish of Newbury is this entry:—"Granted to Henry Travers 6 Acres of Salt Marsh, be it more or less, in the Great Marsh, being bounded by William Moody on the west, and the Common on the east, north and south." He was also granted a house lot of half an acre near the First Landing Place, bounded by John Cheney south, highway north, The Green west and Merrimack east. Also 4 acres bounded by John Emery on the south and by Anthony Emery north, John Moulton west and the Merrimack Street east. The Merrimack Street was evidently changed, as litigation followed, and Henry Travers was granted an extension eastward. He also exchanged his house lot at the old town, on Little Hill, for four acres at the new town, on South Merrimack Street. 

No record has been found giving the date of his marriage to Bridgett, whose maiden name was Fitts, and who was probably a sister of Robert Fitts, who was in Salisbury in 1640, and removed to Ipswich, where he died in 1665, leaving a widow, Grace, and two or more children. Neither has any evidence been found that Henry had a wife previous to his marriage to Bridgett; yet he may have had a wife in England before coming to America in 1634. Some writer has said that Bridgett was his second wife. See Fitts families: Fitts-Fitz-Fittz : a genealogy Sylvia Fitts Getchell
Below is from  Descendants of Henry Travers of London, England and Newbury, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Click link and there are several generations listed. Some may have been modified or corrected, but this source is pretty in depth.

See also A collection of pedigrees of the family of Travers, abstracts of documents, collected by S.S. Travers, arranged by H.J. Sides by Samuel Smith Travers
Some descendants of Edmund Mooers 1614-1677 of Newbury, Massachusetts: frontier experiences of Calvin Mooers, Allied lines of Edmund Mooers, Royal line of James Prescott, coats of arms and letters

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