Wednesday, November 27, 2013

William Chandler and Eleanor Phelps Andover, MA

Here is the old burial ground in Andover a wonderful shot taken by Barbara Poole Life from the Roots

"The solemnization of marriages from the arrival of the first settlers to 1686, the expiration of the first charter, was performed by a magistrate, or by persons specially appointed for that purpose. If a clergyman happened to be present, he was asked to pray.—1687, April, the first marriage by Rev. Mr. Francis Dane, William Chandler and Eleanor Phelps. —1687, May, Stephen Barker and Mary Abbot, the first marriage by Rev. Thomas Barnard." Taken from History of Andover, from its settlement to 1829 by Abel Abbott
From Abbott Family "The house, otherwise known as the Margaret Ward House, was built by Captain Thomas Chandler (older brother of Hannah (Chandler) Abbot) before 1673. His daughter, Hannah, and her husband, Captain Daniel Bixsby, continued to occupy it after the death of her parents. The sixty-acre farm extended to the Shawsheen River." "Three generations of Bixsbys have occupied the house. Other occupants were William Abbott, who married a Bixsby, Jeduthan Abbott, and Amos Abbott (1786-1868), a member of the House of Representatives from 1840-1849 (member of the Whig political party). Compiled by Ernest James Abbott

Chandler-Bigsby-Abbott House, 88 Lowell Street.
William Chandler born May 28, 1659 son of Thomas Chandler and Hannah Brewer Chandler
Eleanor Phelps born daughter of Edward Phelps and Elizabeth Adams
Married  Apr 21,1687
William Chandler born July 20 1689 married Susanna Burge
Eleanor Chandler born January 23 1688 married Seth Walker
Benjamin Chandler  married Hannah Dutton
Moses Chandler married Anne Sanborn
The church record of Westford, Massachusetts, has this entry: "Admitted 10 Nov. 1728, Eleanor Chandler, widow."
William Chandler served in the town as constable, grand jury man, town office officer south part and a record here "William Ballard and William Chandler are chosen surveyers for the south end of the town and Serjent ffarntted (?) Dudley Bradstreet for the north end of the town, who have full power to call forth the inhabitants of the town two days this year at any time the sur-veyers shall think fit"

January 1678 John Frie Jr, Richard Barker Sr, William Chandler, John Barker and Christopher Osgood was chosen selectmen for the year ensuing.

Now I found some records that involve both William Chandler, Sr and his son William Chandler, Jr. relating to an inn or ordinary. There was some disputes and showdowns between the families on this and here are the details from Court Records and from Historical Sketches of Andover. Now this is a long document, but as the author Sarah Loring Bailey points out "William Chandler's license is an interesting document, and curiously illustrative of the customs of the time and of the aspect of things in Andover. It will be noticed that the sign of his house was the horse-shoe, chosen, doubtless, from the occupation of the Chandlers — blacksmiths. It was the custom then to designate shops, public houses, and places of resort, not by numbers, but by hanging out a sign. A large town had a great variety of signs (as was the custom in England), the " anchor," the " bel!," the " horse-shoe," etc. The only mention found of any such sign at Andover is this of the horse-shoe :

In 1689, Lieut. John Osgood was innholder. The following is a petition 2 made by him to the County Court, to renew his license for keeping a public house : — " To THE Honored County Corte now sitting at Salem : — " I move to your Honers to renewing license ffor keeping a Pub-lick house, & I would have waited upon the corte personally but a bizness of a publick nature hinders me : that is the comitee off molitiah are this day to make up the account about our soldiers & I have sent here-with my sone to pay the ffees : the granting of which will serve him who is yours to serve in whatsoever he may John Osgood. " Andover 27 : 9. 89 " [Granted]
A rival innkeeper was William Chandler. Capt. John Osgood made complaint to the Court against him, that he " did retail & sell sider or strong drinke without License at his owne dwelUng." Chandler produced evidence that he had a license and was acceptable to many of his townsmen, if not to all. The proofs of his license was as follows : — 1 A name used afterwards for the seller of all kinds of merchandise. 2 Court Papers, vol. xlviii., p. 74. 8 County Court Papers, vol. xlvii. " William Chandler Senior is recommended to y^ next County Court at Ipswich as a ffit man to keep a publick house of entertainment in the town of Andover and until the foresaid Court is licensed to sel Sider, bear, wine and strong liquor by me one of his Majesty's Council of his territory for New England ffebruary y' 2, 1686. JoNA Tyng." The proofs of his townsmen's good-will, and their wish for the success of his inn, is as follows : — " The humble petition of William Chandler to his Majesty's honoured Court of Sessions for the County of Essex now Sitting in Ipswich this 14 day of September i68j humbly sheweth : — '' That whereas your petitioner some time since obtained liberty from one of the Councill to keep a publick house of entertainment and that falling short I mayd my address to his Excellence by some friends who understanding my case induced these gentlemen to wright to the honoured Mr. Gedney and frome him to be communicated to the honered justices of Salem wherein he did expect they should grant me my License which accordingly they did while this Sessions; for the which I Render them hearty thanks and now I having in some measure fited myself for that worke and agreed with Captain Radford what customs to pay for the yeare, and it being the desier of many of my neighbors I should keep a publick house of entertainment as will appear by their subscriptions under their hands and the great complaynt of strangers that there is no house of entertainment upon that rode leading from Ipswich to Balrica and also my own necessity arising in regard of that money I was fined at Salem which I borrow'ed and have not pay'', all which considerations move to renew my License for this yeare : which will oblige your petitioner for ever as in duty bound to pray. William Chandler." Wee w-hose names are hereunder Righten : doe testifye : that we live upon the Rode at Andover that leadeth from Ipswich and the Townes that way to Baliraca and have often heard strangers much complain that there was no publick house of entertainment upon that Rode, but they must goe a mile and a elfe out of there way or goe without refreshing or else intrude upon privit houses which that neighborhood have found very burdensome. And we doe 1 County Court Papers, vol. xlvii., p. 56. humbly pray that WilUam Chandler Senr. whose house stands convenient may be allowed for that worke John + Lovejoy, his marke. Joseph Wilson Thomas Johnson Thomas Chandler William Johnson," Another petition for Chandler has the signatures of thirty-five citizens of Andover ; but in 1690 some of his opponents sent in the following petition/ rather discreditable to their townsman : — " From Andover ye 28 : i, 1690. " To the honered Court now sitting at Ipswich ^i off this instant March i6qo. " Wee your most humble petitioners in the name of many more, if not of most of the town do make our address to your honors to exert so much of your power and authority as may release us of the matter of our greivance wch is grown so much an epidemicall evill that overspreads and is like to corrupt the greater part of our towne if not speedily prevented by your help : viz to put a stopp to William Chandler's license of selling of drink, that had been licensed formerly by authority: he had indeed y^approbation of the selectmen that were pickt out for that etid in his first setting up : y^ were men spirited to give him their approbation to such a thing, and indeed at his first setting up he seemed to have some tendernesse upon his conscience not to admit of excess nor disorder in his house ; but custom in his way of dealing and the earnest desire of money hath proved an evil root to him actively and effectively to others, for through his over forwardness to promote his own gaine he hath been apt to animate and to entice persons to spend their money & time to y* great wrong of themselves and family they belong to ; and to that end will encourage all sorts of persons both old and young to spend upon trust, if they have not money, & to some he will proffer to lend them money to spend rather than that they should be discouraged from such a notion ; ser\'ants & children are allowed by him in his house at all times "^ unseasonable by night and day, sometimes till midnight and past & till break of day, till they know not their way to their 1 County Court Papers, vol. 1., 74. 2 William Chandler was not alone in being complained of for this offence. Thomas Johnson, a constable, was charged with " allowing a barrel of cider to be drunke in his house at unseasonable hours by young people." One of the habitations, and gaming is freely allowed in his house by which means the looser must call for drink w*^*^ is one thing y' will uphold his calling : Many such pertiklers might be instanced and easily proved, but we be willing for brevity's sake to omitt much of what might be said of the like nater, but be
sure if he be not restrained from the selling of drink our town will be for the greatest part of our young generation so corrupted thereby that wee can expect little else but a cours of drunkenness of them ; and what comfort will that be to parents to see such a posterity coming on upon the stage after them ? To this wee whose names are underwritten as your humble petitioners doe attest by our hands hereto. Christopher Osgood James Frie John Frie sen Joseph Lovejoy John Frie jun Samuel Frie Samuel Blanchard Benjamin Frye Ephraim Foster Samuel Rowell Joseph Robinson Thos Osgood " But the friends of William Chandler had got the start in the matter of petitioning, as appears from a record
appended to this petition : " This petition came not to the vicwe of the Court tnitill after another was approved of" The " other " referred to was doubtless the following certificate to the good order of Chandler's house : — " William Chandler senr of Andover hath kept a house of pub-lick entertainment for some considerable time past & hath kept good order in s** house (soe far as wee are informed) & being an infirm man & not capable of hard Labour & deserving of approbation for his continuance in that employment we cannot but judge him a meet p'son for it & his house convenient for travellers. " Dated Andover ye 21^' March 1689-90

Another source that has more info and the Will of William Chandler The Chandler Family: The Descendants of William and Annis Chandler who Settled in Roxbury, Mass., 1637 by George ChandlerThe Andover Townmen recently published an article by Bill Dalton Dalton-column-Innkeepers-dispute

Taken from The Andover Preservation site Historic Preservation
Original owner: William Ballard
Used as a boy's school 1796-1815 - Master Porter's School for Boys
Themes: agricultural, architectural, community development, education

This house is made up of three parts, of different periods and ownership. William Ballard owned house on this site in 1635, although oldest part of present structure dates from ca. 1660. First period architecture - 2 rooms and loft, chimney on outside/west side; later 4 small rooms - 2 upstairs, 2 downstairs added north end.

In 1696, William Foster purchased westerly end of south part of house form William & Eleanor Phelps Chandler - house then on Reservation Rd. 1750, moved across Shawsheen on causeway (No. bridge then) and attached to William Ballard House here. Thus, original house enlarged 1750. Two large rooms and loft brought from old Foster home (latter Shattuck Farm) - chimney enlarged.

For 22 years, William Foster Jr. kept school for boys not wishing Phillips Academy's classical course or to qualify boys to enter P.A. 25 boys lived here. In 1800, north end added to house for more dormitory and classroom space; 6 rooms and loft plus 2 small rooms on west (one is present kitchen) and 4 large square rooms.

LATER: 1) Homer Foster's farmhouse. 2) then owned by Francis Foster, assessor's rec. 1951. 3) William Phillips Foster and John Franklin Foster, owners. Students' names have been scratched on some of the windows. House has chimney 14 feet square. William Foster was secretary of Friendly Fire Society, 1829, and his initialed, personalized fire bucket is still to be seen.
Below from Find A Grave added by Donna and Bill Contact

Here lyes ye Body
of Mr. William
Chandler; who
Decd. Octobr 27th
1727, in ye 67th
Year of his Age.

From Andover Ma Town Meetings Records 1656-1709

The particular grants of land and meadows granted to William Chandler. granted to him ten acres of land on the hill on the south side of his house, five acres whereof was granted to William Ballard, for a house lot and four acres to himself for his house lot and one acre for his new field division bounded on the west with the house lot of Andrew Allen, on the southwest with a great red oak on the southeast with a white oak and on the east with the land of Mr. Dane, on the northeast corner with a stump. Granted to him seventeen acres of land for his division land above little Hope bridge bounded on the north with a brook and a high red oak stump, on the west with a hill, on the south with a great clump of rocks, close by the river and on the east with Shawshin river. Granted to him two acres and a half of meadow: on the south side of Shawshin river a.ainst Bilrekay meddows, between the meadow which was John Remington's and the meadow of George Abbot Senior. Granted to him all the meadow between George Abbot Sen. and the brook which runs out of the meadow of Andrew Foster in the east of Shawshin River, with all the meadow on the south side of that brook from the river to a clump of asps, where the brook and the.upland meet, with the meadow on the north side of that brook from the river to the •here the brook and the upland meet with a bit of meadow on the east side of Shawshin iver against Pole Hill. All these parcels are granted for three acres and a half be it irore or less.

Sold to William Chandler 3 times, a parcell of land which is a lane between two parcells of land that was his fathers to pay the town thirty shillings per acre for what it appears to be according to usually manner.

At a lawful town meeting the 11 of February 1663, granted to William Chandler a gore of land on the east (?) side of Shawsheen River, by the old clay pit, whereof two acres is granted him for public charges and if there be above two acres, he is to allow the town for it what they shall so meet and in case, the town shall afterward see occasion to build a mill there, he shall resign to them so much of the convenience of it as shall be judged convenient to set a mill thereon, and allow him so much land elsewhere for it.

Granted and laid out to Andrew Allen five acres of swamp land adjoining to his houselot and the swamp land of William Chandler bounded on the northwest corner with a white oak, on the southwest corner with a white oak, on the northeast corner with a stake.

For More Info

Andover Historical Society 
North Andover Historical Society 
Historical Homes in Andover 

Artist unknown, 1896 Oil on canvas 57" x 77" Collection of the Andover Historical Society

1 comment:

Parsa said...

Unfortunately, I believe that Find A Grave has this headstone for the wrong person. According to George Chandler's "The Chandler Family" (1883), this is the grave of William's first cousin Sgt. William Chandler III, d. 10 Oct 1727. His will was approved 13 Nov 1727. The two Williams are #10 and #16 in the Chandler Family book. The book is on and Google Books. I have not yet found the death date for the William that was married to Eleanor Phelps.

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